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What to Do After You Get a Cavity

A woman having a toothache

People are prone to dental cavities if they don’t take care of their dental hygiene. This includes not brushing their teeth and flossing regularly, not replacing their toothbrush when they’re supposed to, and constantly consuming foods that can harm the teeth; chocolate and candy, for example.

Here’s everything you should know about cavities and how to treat them.

How to Know You Have a Cavity

If you are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms, know that your teeth may have been compromised and have developed a cavity.


If you have a lingering ache in your teeth that won’t go away, it’s time to visit your dentist. Furthermore, if you have difficulty chewing, the chances are that bacteria have entered your gums and nerves.

Bad Breath

When your teeth develop many cavities, they tend to multiply the bacteria in your mouth. This leads to a seriously bad odor inside of your mouth.

Sensitive Teeth

A clear sign of sensitive teeth is their reaction to the temperatures of different foods. For example, your teeth might hurt when you eat ice cream and even when you sip on some hot steaming soup.


Check your teeth for visible signs of discoloration. If they’re slowly changing color from white to black, it indicates that your tooth is decaying.

What to Do After a Cavity?

It’s not too late to get your teeth fixed even after you’ve developed cavities. Here’s what you need to do.

Visit Your Nearest Dentist

Don’t waste any more time and get your teeth checked to have your treatment started. Your dentist will examine the extent of the damage and will proceed with your treatment accordingly.

Get a Dental Filling

A dental filling is the number one cure to get rid of cavities. Your dentist will, with a drill, eliminate the black corrosive decay from the insides of your teeth and replace it with a substance that will fill up the gap in your teeth. The substance can be silver or composite resin.

If you have a cavity, visit Syrpes & Pangborn now to book your appointment with Dr. Syrpes or Dr. Pangborn today so they can determine what treatment is best for you.

Posted on Aug 9, 2021
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